• 法缇玛·萨那·纱卡

    • 性别:
    • 职业:演员
    • 星座:摩羯座
    • 血型:不详
    • 身高:168
    • 体重:51kg
    • 地区:印度
    • 生日:1992-01-11
    • 出生地:[db:出生地]
    • 毕业院校:Mithibai College, Ju
    • 代表作:摔跤吧!爸爸,勇闯毒窟,阿卡什和瓦尼,决命二一,印度暴徒
      Fatima Sana Shaikh was born in Hyderabad, India, to Hindu Brahman Father, Vipan Sharma, and Muslim Mother, Raj Tabassum. At an early age, she moved to Mumbai, which became her hometown since. She was enrolled to St. Xavier High School in Mumbai for her primary education and later to Mithibai College, Mumbai for higher education.  Shaikh began her film career with the 1997 film Chachi 420 with Kamal Hasan. She played the role of Bharti, Jaiprakash Paswan a.k.a. Jai and Janki Paswan's daughter. Though she has been acting since 1997, she has scaled new heights of fame and success now after playing the role of Geeta Phogat in Aamir Khan's movie and also sharing the screen with the star.  Her hobbies include dancing, reading, sketching and photography. 早年经历 法缇玛·萨那·纱卡,1992年1月11日出生于印度南部的海德拉巴,在孟买完成了她所有的学业。她读的是圣泽维尔高中,随后又考上了Mithibai大学。在5岁时就已经打开宝莱坞的大门,1997年在电影《Chachi420》中扮演了一个可爱的女童Bharti法缇玛·萨那·纱卡曾就读于圣沙维尔高中,此后进入孟买艺术学院学习。她甚至在没有参与电影试镜后,开始在工作室当摄影师。 演艺经历 2017年5月5日,与阿米尔·汗、沙克希·坦沃、桑亚·玛荷塔联合主演了喜剧传记影片《摔跤吧!爸爸》。2018年12月28日,与阿米尔·汗合作主演的动作冒险电影《印度暴徒》在中国内地上映。


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